Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'Soda Pot' could be medical marijauna

"Canna Cola or "soda pot" as its better known is the newest creation out of California that combines soda and THC, the chemical found in marijuana.

The soda was created in order to give glaucoma patients an alternative way to take their medication.

"A lot of people simply don't want to smoke," said co-brand developer Clay Butler in an interview with ABC news. "It's very easy to take your medication in the form of a cookie, soda or brownie, and you can do that without drawing attention to yourself."

The drink is being featured in a 12-ounce can and will be available in five flavors. It will cost between $10 and $12.

The drink is first being introduced in Colorado before it will expand to the California market and beyond. However, some students doubt the likelihood of it making it to Alabama.

"That kind of thing would never pass state by state. It would have to pass at the federal level," said Flor-Ala political columnist Evan King.

Surprisingly, this is not the first marijuana soda in creation, but Butler believes his unique bottle designs and marketing will set the drink apart from the other "mom-and-pop, hippie-dippy and rinky-dink" drinks.

On the heels of the release of this drink is a law making its way to senate entitled the "Brownie Law" which will increase punishment for those that combine the drug THC with candy-like products such as brownies and soda.

The law is intended to reduce the chance of selling to minors.

Butler firmly believes, though, that "adults have an inalienable right to think, eat, smoke, drink, ingest, decorate, dress any way they choose."

The drink, only available to glaucoma patients with a prescription, will be introduced in February. If it reaches past California, it will only be sold in 15 states, as these are the only states with medical marijuana legalized.

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